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In the end I'm lying too.

ceramic plastic, 2021

Anker 1
Anker 2
Gurke Julia Himmelmann 2021_Foto_MathiasRitzmann.JPG


Ceramic, height 58 cm, 2021

Photo: Matthias Ritzmann for the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation

Inkontinenz Julia Himmelmann_2021.JPG


Ceramic, width 80 cm, 2021

Photo: Matthias Ritzmann for the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation



Ceramic, height 50 cm, 2021

Exhibition view in the sculpture garden of the Börde Museum Burg Ummendorf

Photo: Matthias Ritzmann for the Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation

© 2022  Julia Himmelmann

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